Monday, March 9, 2009

I have recently found a new 'hobbie' I suppose I could call it. I never have really enjoyed running, but I was determined to find something I liked. I guess I didn't like it because I wasn't good at it! I finally gave it another try-and this time I liked it! It makes me feel so good afterwards just because it is not easy for me. I would usually run a little and then walk(a lot!) then jog a little more. I have officially started running the entire time which may sound silly, but I'm very proud of myself. After I finish I am exhausted and sweaty, trying to get my heart race to normal-but it feels awesome and the next day I come back wanting to do it again! It just tells me I really can do it! Here is one of my all time favorite quotes by Lance Armstrong:

"Pain is good because it teaches your body and your soul to improve. It's almost as though your unconscious says, 'I'm going to remember this, remember how it hurt, and I'll increase my capacities so that the next time, it doesn't hurt as much'. the body literally builds on your experiences.....because it has the memory to build upon. Maybe the same is true of living too."

Isn't that the truth-maybe especially in living.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alex was making fun of me because I made one of these. He just figured I would never use it! We have recently been under a lot of stress and just trying to figure out where God wants us to be. The county he works in is making a lot of job cuts-and the county I worked in last year is also making cuts. One good thing about me not staying at my old school is the fact that I do have my name out other places. I am glad it is just one of us worrying and not both! I, on the other hand, am just trying to find a full time job. I miss it a ton! It has given me a lot of great opportunities though I would have missed out on. I got to coach softball this year! That was fun. I also got certified to teach middle grades math and reading. I have taught a geometry class one day a week for a hybrid homeschool. The most recent big 'thing' was my long term sub at a high school. I think every elementary school teacher is terrified of teaching older kids-me being one of them. I did a long term in a 9th grade math class and LOVED it. I realized there that kids are kids-they still got overly excited when I would give out candy, and I still used fun tactics and games to help them learn. I guess I really enjoy every job I have! They have also asked me to come back and do another long term in April. I am hoping to take and of course pass the Mathematics GACE and hope that will open more opportunities for me. It has definitely been a very interesting year! I LOVE being married and love spending time with Alex. He is such a great husband and we are both so silly all the time. Best roommate ever!!! School got cancelled for him on Monday because of the snow, so we watched all three Lord of the Rings movies on a palet we made on the floor. We came out of church and snow was everywhere. It was so exciting! Even the grown ups couldn't pay attention in church!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My first blog! I had a blog site years ago, but now I suppose everyone resorts to facebook. I do enjoy writing, and have had a lot of time on my hands recently to do so. I figured I could make one and share all the fun and exciting stuff happening in my life! I also have to figure out how to get this site looking all pretty. Once that is finished, I hope to write more. Appearance is important! :)